Always on the go

Cheshire based mum of 3 sharing our favourite family adventures

Primrose Wood

Primrose Wood, just outside Kelsall, is actually part of Delamere Forest, but is much quieter and less visited than it’s bigger neighbour. This is a nice length forest walk where you will discover the enchanting glacial Urchin’s Kitchen. Although most of the paths in the wood are suitable for an AT Pushchair some sections aren’t, so if you need to take one then I’d still recommend a walk here but just doing your own thing and sticking to the hard paths.

There’s a small free car park off Waste Lane. You’ll see the obvious wide forest path leading from here down into the woods. It’s a lovely pine tree-lined avenue and the kids enjoy dipping off to the side to explore in the woods.

When you reach the end, the path will curve round to the right, keep following it, ignoring the path off to the left. It’ll be signposted ‘Beeston Castle Whitchurch’. About 20 meters from here on the left, hidden in the vegetation is Urchin’s Kitchen, a small gorge that was formed at the end of the last Ice Age. There’s a signpost and an information board at the start of the path, which despite my A-Level in Geography will explain to you much better than I could about the mechanics of its formation!

A few metres from the start of the path, just before it gently rises, turn off on the path to the right then follow this through the bottom of the gorge. A word of warning it gets very muddy walking through, the last time we went I stupidly forgot to put them in wellies and I can tell you that my Daughter’s lovely pink Nikes are pink no more!

The first time I took the kids here I told them they were one of the first people to discover it (despite the fact they walked past the information board!). It’s so well hidden it does have a bit of an Indiana Jones feel to it, although I must say it has seen many more visitors since lockdown, prior to that there was a bit of hacking away vegetation to walk along the path, which my son adored! We always stop here for a snack and a play on the rocks.

As you come to the end of the gorge you’ll see a bit of a swampy area on your right which is fun to dredge sticks in.

The path then curves round to the left and you’ll see the fields of an equestrian centre on your right-hand side. Keep going along this path, walking through the woods with said fields on your right. There’s another interesting rock formation along the way to have a little play on.

At the end you’ll come to a junction, turn left and walk up the path.

Keep going for about 300 metres, until you get to this left turn.

However before you turn down here, walk on a few metres and have a play in the dens that have been built here.

When you get to the bottom of the left hand path, turn right and you should recognise you’re back at bottom of the main path you walked down on, so simply retrace your steps up the path back to the car park.


October 2020
Only parts of the route are pushchair friendly
No, but nice pubs not far away: Fishpool Inn & Morris Dancer Pub
